Our topic – the role of healing art design in healthcare settings, and in service of public health – falls squarely between two related fields that are need of acknowledging and addressing one another.
Read moreA Word of Caution
The Turning Road, L'Estaque, Andre Derain, c. 1906
If you were howling when you read the subject recommendations for “evidence-based art,” perhaps you know a thing or two about visual art. You may be an artist, an interior designer, or a collector. You may be a gallery-goer, a museum devotee, or a fine-art gadabout, like me. You may have studied some art history, entered the art market, or even followed innovative art practices that are leaving galleries and museums behind.
But we must recognize and acknowledge that we arts professionals and enthusiasts, by virtue of our practice, experience art differently from other people.
Read moreWhat is Art?
From Chauvet Cave, southern France, between c. 33,000 and c. 30,000 years ago. Illustration by Thomas T.
I recently attended the annual meeting of the National Organization of Arts and Health (NOAH) which was very illuminating, and for my interests, very helpful for understanding the larger contexts of the subjects I’m pursuing here: visual art, health, and design. I’m sure I will have more to say about those contexts later, but first a note about what we mean when we talk about art.
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